Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Design Tips for Turned Parts

By Mike Waller, Atlanta

As a SolidWorks Instructor with a background in manufacturing, I often get questions that are based as much on general manufacturing process principles as they are on SolidWorks design techniques. I always like to share this type of information because I hate to see designers get beat up by fussy machine shop operators because the way they designed their part doesn’t lend itself to the manufacturing process being used. One manufacturing process that is often misunderstood by 3D designers is turning, which is the name of the process by which parts are created on a lathe.

Although the typical designer will never need to use a lathe, it is important to understand the needs of a lathe operator so that you can convey your design intent in a meaningful and easily understood way when your parts are being produced by a turning operation. In case you are unfamiliar with it, turning is a general term used to describe the process of making parts on a lathe. You will also hear the term “turning center” used to describe full CNC controlled lathes. While we’re on the subject, from my experience, you should always avoid using the word “lathe” as a verb, as good machinists typically are very particular about terminology, and you might get a wrench thrown at you if you ask the wrong machinist to “lathe” a part. That would be like a SolidWorks professional being asked by a machinist to “CAD” something. You probably wouldn’t like it.

The first point that I would like to make involves the stock size. Whenever possible, avoid designing turned parts that will require a full-length reduction in diameter from standard stock sizes for the material being specified. An example is low carbon steel round bar. Since round bar is commonly available from US suppliers in fractional inch increments, it is often possible to avoid extra cost by designing around those standard stock sizes. For example, if the tolerance on the largest diameter of your part is not so tight that the stock supplier tolerances would not work, significant cost can be avoided by specifying standard stock size for the outer diameter. In other words, if a part’s max diameter isn’t otherwise critical and could just be “about” ¾ inch, don’t specify oddball diameters like 0.748”. That seems like a simple concept, but I often see designers that for whatever reason are working in mixed unit environments, and never notice that the tightly toleranced 19mm rod size they specified will cause the machinist to turn down the full length of a ¾” round bar to arrive at the final size they need. If instead, the designer specified 0.75” and the tolerance required for the part wasn’t excessively tight, there is a good chance that the machinist would start with ¾” round bar from a supplier like Ryerson Metals and since their tolerance for cold drawn, ground and polished carbon steel round bar up to 1” in diameter is +0.000/-0.001”, no further work would have to be performed for the overall diameter of the part. This one point can save extensive setup and hold costs down. An example of the tolerance sizes can be found here on Ryerson’s web page:

The second area that I see a lot of designers overlook is with the design of shoulders on turned parts that engage into matching holes. Because it is nearly impossible to turn a square corner on a lathe, and since square corners introduce stress concentrations, it is a good idea to put a small, filleted relief groove into any square internal corners. This is especially important when a shoulder diameter is being used as an insertion stop for a hole and pin part that must mate together with sliding or press fits. The image below shows such a relief.

Even if the turned down shoulder diameter on your part doesn’t engage into a hole, it is still a good idea to avoid sharp, square internal corners on turned parts, even if for strength related consideration alone. Try to design in a small fillet in this case. I recommend talking with your machinist to see what radius is preferred, based off available tooling and techniques and design all turned internal corners with a standard fillet size if there is no other compelling reason for a specific radius. This way, standard, off-the-shelf cutters can be used, thus avoiding custom radius sizes. Besides, such a feature is typically not so critical that an exact size is needed, and wouldn’t warrant and custom tool grinds to get a particular radius in.

Finally, all 3D CAD designers working with turned parts should avoid dimensioning turned diameter features with radius dimensions. Diameters are easy to measure with standard metrology tools like micrometers and calipers, and they are also very straight forward for the machinist to achieve during the machine setup. If you put radius type dimensions on a turned part, your machinist will think you’re just one of those “booksmart” designers that has no idea how things are actually made, and you’ll run the risk of the machinist doing various math operations to arrive at the dimensions they need to make your part. Although most machinists are plenty skilled in mathematics to handle such calculations, having them do it is just another place for errors to occur, and should be avoided. I always tell my students that the print for machined parts, regardless of the machining operation, should contain all dimensions necessary to manufacture the part, without doing any math. This concept even works in creating the design intent of your features and sketches in whatever 3D CAD system you use, regardless of the manufacturing process.

This article is by no means a complete set of guidelines for designing turned parts, but it is a brief description of how to avoid some of the major pitfalls that I have seen over the years. Hopefully, it will help you design better parts and gain some credibility with your machine shop team. If you are a designer that creates practical, manufacturable prints, most machinists will respond well and they can often get you out of a jam when you do make the inevitable mistake. Try to understand their needs, and take note when they are explaining why your widget is tough to make. They usually know a heck of a lot about their trade, and making their life easier whenever possible will save your company money.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Top 10 Uses for the 'Shift' Key in SolidWorks

by: Eman Kim
It seems like the 'Ctrl' key gets all the attention when running SolidWorks. I thought it be fun to focus on the unsung keyboard command, the 'Shift' key. Here are the Top 10 uses for the 'Shift' Key in SolidWorks in no particular order.

10. Move Aligned Views Together.
Aligned Drawing views will usually move along the alignment of their parent view. If you'd like to move a view and all other views aligned to that view together as a single selection, hold down the 'Shift' key with your click-and-drag.

9. Select a Range of Items
Like Windows, while holding the 'Shift' key you can select a range of items in the Feature Manager Tree. Select the first and last item you wish to select and the items in-between will also be selected.

8. Collapse Items
Quickly collapse all items in the Feature manager tree by selecting 'Shift'-'C'. Can be helpful if your Assembly tree navigation is getting out of hand and you need to get back to the top!

7. Zooming In
You can zoom out from the centroid of your model using the 'Z' key. 'Shift'-'Z' reverses this behavior and zooms you into the centroid of the model. Also, holding down the 'Shift' key while you click and drag with your middle mouse button will zoom you in and out of the centroid of your model

6. Rotating 90 degrees
Holding the 'Shift' key with your arrow keys will allow you to rotate the model 90 degrees in any direction.

5. Return to Last View
If you've ever miss rotated or moved out of a desirable view into one you're not to pleased with you can use 'Ctrl'-'Shift'-'Z' to get you back to your previous view.

4. Rotate Routing Components
When initially applying connectors, clips, and other routing systems components you can rotate them using the shift and left and right arrow keys. Of course the file will need a rotational axis in the feature manager tree to rotate the component.

3. Moving a Model Dimension Between Views
If you have a model dimension in one view you'd like to move to another, you can simply drag the dimension to the new drawing view while holding down the shift key. The dimension should just reattach itself to the appropriate edges after the drop.

2. Select Transparent Items
When working with a mixture of transparent and solid objects, selecting a desired edge or face can be difficult. By default, if a transparent object is over a solid object, SolidWorks will want to select the solid object. You can use the 'Shift' key to override this behaviour so that SolidWorks will select which ever item is closest to you regardless of their transparency.

1. Dimensioning Arcs
When dimensioning arcs, SolidWorks will alway default to the center of the arcs. Holding the 'Shift' Key, SolidWorks will snap to the closest min/max(quadrant) position when dimensioning arcs.

Next time, we'll focus on the Top 10 Uses for the 'Ctrl', 'Alt', and 'Tab' keys in SolidWorks! Catch you again.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dimension Printers with Dan Genovese

Since coming to work at TriMech, I’ve learned a lot about both the CAD industry and the rapid prototyping industry as well. Since becoming the “Expert” on 3-D Printers at TriMech, I have learned a lot about this technology. These machines are capable of a lot, but when it boils down to it, the technology itself is pretty easy to discuss. At a very high level, the benefits of 3D Printing include, but are not limited to the following:

• You can quickly produce prototypes of your models to see if they work as you expect!
• You can modify your model, print it again, and make sure it is ready to be produced!
• You can save valuable time and money whereas previously you might have to send your models off to expensive prototyping shops!

These are the most important benefits and selling points for the Dimension printers that we sell. Every time I go visit a customer who has a Dimension printer, I hear stories about how great of an investment their printer has been. From medical device companies able to put a prototype of a product into a surgeon’s hand before producing it to other industries producing low-volume production runs, it seems like everyone who buys one of these machines gets a great amount of use out of it.

Despite the obvious popularity of the machines, I find myself wondering where the process could go from here- how it could be expanded. A lot of people have seen the Dimension clip with Jay Leno where he uses a printer to create molds to build replacement parts for his old, no longer manufactured cars (if you haven’t seen it, check it out here, it’s actually pretty good). This clip is a great example of taking this technology to the next level beyond “just producing a prototype”

Most engineers know that despite the usefulness and power of CAD software like SolidWorks, sometimes you just can’t get the look and feel right for your designs, especially if the shape is more “organic”. But what if you already had a mock-up of a product, created by hand, and you needed to carry that concept through to actual production? With 3DScanning technology, you could scan the model and then send the part right into your CAD system. From there, you could use SolidWorks to create the mold around the part. In the last and final step, you would use the Dimension printer to create the mold for production runs, or simply to produce “X” number of low volume production parts from the original scan.

I’ve just scratched the surface of what can be accomplished with a Dimension 3D Printer. I think we are at a point in this product’s life cycle very similar to 20-30 years ago with Plotters. Back then, large plotters were sometimes viewed by engineering departments as “nice to have”. Pretty soon, their adoption rates made it pretty obvious that to generate the drawings from all electronic files we were rapidly creating, the plotter was going to be a necessity. This is the simple evolution of a next step, we’ve just added the third-dimension to the plot. Pretty soon, I believe these printers will be integral to every engineering department and down the road, companies will wonder how they ever functioned without them.